"The Mission is characterized by lean structures and a bent towards action in evangelism and apostolic works...

As a people, mission is what we do,
and society is how we organize."

Three Streams

Scripture, Sacrament, Spirit

We are committed to celebrating the treasures found in 3 historic streams of the Christian faith by drawing from the richness found in the different practices, traditions, and emphases that each has.


The Scripture: We hold that the Bible guides our lives and is authoritative for us individually and for the Church at large (known as the evangelical tradition).

The Sacraments: We believe the Sacramental life is embodied in the practices and teachings Christians have held throughout the centuries as expressed in the historic Creeds and 39 Articles of Religion. Our faith tradition has a variety of worship expressions, including the sacraments instituted by Jesus (known as the catholic tradition).

The Spirit: We trust God’s Spirit is at work in the Church and the world, manifesting His power and preparing us for ministry through the deposit of his gifts (known as the charismatic tradition).


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Discipleship on mission

We believe in the "priesthood of all believers," where everyone is actively serving in ministry to the church body and outside of it in our homes, schools, workplaces and broader communities.  We practice a "micro-macro" strategy - that is, promoting discipleship on mission at the individual and small group levels that will enable healthy growth of our churches and other apostolic works.

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Relationally-oriented ministry

With God as Father and Jesus as brother; we participate in shared mission as family.
We value transparency and vulnerability in our relationships and embrace the messiness that accompanies relational culture. Following Jesus is a lifestyle, not a program.  It is the life of our mission, and individual churches reflect this.