Christmas Letter from our Apostolic Vicar

Dear brothers and sisters,

I received a Christmas letter from Rev. Dr. David Emmanuel Goatley, the new President of Fuller Theological Seminar and he says:


What can we do when trouble seems present everywhere we look? …
It is easy to be seduced by the deceiver to believe that nearly everything is horrible and almost everyone is terrible. That is the goal of the tempter. Believers, however, are not obligated to accept the poison that is pushed toward us…
The seasons of Advent and Christmas call our attention away from the accuser. John 1 calls us to look to the Word who was God and who was with God. We are called to see the "true light" that gives light to all.

Our Lord Jesus Christ used Dr. Goatley’s Christmas message to turn our eyes from staring at the deceiver, the tempter and the accuser to turn our eyes upon Him to become protectors and encouragers!

Our theme of 2024 will be MISSION 113!

May the three steps of MISSION 113: Knowing, Sharing, Bringing help us to receive anointings from the Holy Spirit to lead many people to receive Jesus as their Saviour and Lord of life and to extend His mighty and glorious Kingdom!


May you have a joyful Christmas and a blessed 2024!


In Christ,

+Silas Ng