Project Oikos - All Saints Community Church seeks New Home

Members of an Anglican Church are feeling called to buy an old Catholic church in Crescent Beach.

Admitting that the undertaking is particularly challenging during a pandemic, Rev. Ed Hird makes the case for the Oikos Project in the current (online) edition of The Light magazine:

The community of All Saints Church believe God is calling them to make the Holy Cross Church in Crescent Beach their home. In order to do that, they need to raise $3 million: just over $2 million to buy the building and parking lot and just under $1 million to refurbish the inside of the building and parking lot.

The first priority is to maintain a sacred space. The historic tradition of Holy Cross Church is that people have prayed in that church since 1946.

Keeping a sacred space will honour the historical integrity of the congregations who have gone before. It also means that the wider community will have access to the sanctuary during the day for prayer, reflection and rest.

The second imperative for purchasing this church is to ensure that a ministry centre will complement the sacred space. A ministry centre will provide the Church community a place to serve the wider community.

Should you be interested in supporting this vision, saving an historic church, and investing in the Kingdom of God, please contact The Right Reverend Peter Klenner, pastor at All Saints Community Church (604-209-5570).

Go here for the full story, and here for more information and a video about the project.